background _♥

dаilу нiт▁♥



I miss :(

ohhh no ... freaking miss my long hairrrrr :(
wad and which method can make hair grow faster and longer ?? :((
*regretteddddd ! :'(
I love my long hair badly :(
huhhhhh ><
i am wishing to have a long long curly hair :(
bo bian >< still very short . cant make it lorrrrrrrrrr :"(
haisssss ><

 school looksss with long hairrrrrrr :((

with curly hair :((


looks mature ?? :((

WTH .. :( only can use fake hair to pretend it :( 
how come god is like that ???
how come my hair growww soooooo super duper damn slow :(( ??
MENGAPA ??? :(((

不知不覺又到了週末 :(( IMHSM 

